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Châteaubriant, Pays de la Mée (Bretagne), France
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jeudi 31 juillet 2008
Au Croizic, au pied de l'ancienne criée, solitaire, un homme lit son journal.
La gargouille à tête de poisson lui tient compagnie.

In Croizic, before the former fish market, a man reads his newspaper.
The gargoyle-headed fish keeps him company.

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11 commentaires:

Hilda a dit…

I like the gargoyle fish! Well, not that particular design for my home, but some whimsical gutter downspout would be very nice.

These idle men sitting and hanging out seems to be common among all countries and peoples too. It's just curious that you don't see a lot of old women idling anywhere. :D

M.Benaut a dit…

Le poisson semble plus heureux que le vieil homme !

Virginia a dit…

A lovely portrait.

Bergson a dit…

Superbe prise
au premier coup d'oeil je me demandais si l'homme avait une tête de gargouille (pour toi)

claude a dit…

Moi aussi je me demandais pourquoi ce titre en voyant un homme lisant son journal. Le bout de la gouttière est super chouette ! Tu aurais du zoomer dessus.

hpy a dit…

Qui des deux a l'estomac qui gargouille?

Olivier a dit…

HPY pose la bonne question ;o)

La bible qui aime les femmes et les gargouilles "Gargouille qui ne cesse de couler, un jour de pluie, et femme acariâtre sont pareilles !"

The Broken Man a dit…

I just wanted to say that I *love* that photo - what a great expression the man has!

The Broken man


Pietro Brosio a dit…

This is a very fine portrait. And it's really unusual for me that gargoyle-headed fish.

Eki a dit…

Merci beaucoup, Melanie. Thank you for visiting my blog.

I like street and candid portraiture like this. It't like the subjects I'm trying to capture with my CITY OF PEOPLE series.

Nice to know you.

Profile Not Available a dit…

Excellent photo! I agree the fish looks happier than the gentleman! Great expression, great shot!

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